Snake Eagle Ripping Snake Apart As it Tries to Escape

This is the moment a Brown Snake Eagle was doing what it does best, catching a snake! But this Puff Adder, as injured as it was, was still trying hard to slither away.

“I love visiting the Kruger National Park and am lucky enough to visit often. Every day is different in the park, you just never know what is around the next bend. I was lucky enough to come across this sighting one afternoon while heading back to Lower Sabie on the H10.

The H10 is my favourite road in the park. Besides the beautiful landscapes and scenery, there is always an abundance of wildlife. Late afternoon is the best time to head back to Lower Sabie with the sun behind you! Just before this sighting, I had seen large herds of zebra and wildebeest heading down to the nearby waterhole. Earlier in the day, I was lucky enough to spot a herd of Sable antelope near the S129 north entrance.

Because it was late afternoon, it was just me and one other car at this sighting. This allowed me to enjoy the sighting. It is always nice to enjoy a sighting without too many other cars around. Some sightings become overcrowded and are not enjoyable. This is an extremely rare sighting, the first time I have witnessed a sighting of this sort! My advice to anyone visiting the park is to drive slowly. When you drive too fast you miss out on a lot. If I had been driving too fast in this instance the bird would have got a fright and flown off and the sighting would have been spoilt.