last fight of the Jackdaw versus Sparrow-hawk

released two orphaned sparrow hawks when i was a child. they were found on the bluff at a beach in southern california. we nursed them to health and kept them for about 3 weeks till they were ready to fly. we released them where we found them. we would return to the beach and they would dive bomb us and fly around excited to see us. awesome birds.

No way, so that’s what you’re up to when you aren’t on task harassing honest sceptics for daring to think for themselves about where they actually exist?

Was it in the Scottish part of California at the beach? Is it a beach I can visit and then assume I must be living on a globe at too?

Sparrow hawks aren’t found in the US, but their close cousins Sharp Shinned Hawks and Coopers Hawks are. You probably raised one of those types of hawks.

jackdaws are no joke. It coud have happened prior but did anyone notice the hawk was missing his left eye. It was probably crushed in a beak stab. This awesome footage.

Unfortunately for the jackdaw, sparrow hawk’s don’t have very strong feet or beaks to finish the prey off fast. If the first strike doesn’t kill the prey animal, they kill it by plucking it to death. The shock and blood loss eventually kills them, but by then the hawk will have already started eating them. Yes, alive.